Caldo De Pollo


  • 6 Chicken thighs 

  • 1 Bell Pepper

  • 2 Potatoes

  • 2 Celery 

  • ½ Cilantro bunch

  • 1 Garlic clove

  • 1 Chayote


  1. Fill up ½ of a large pot with water and bring to medium heat. 

  2. Rinse chicken.

  3. Chop up veggies into quarter pieces (except for corn) and cut up cilantro fine. 

  4. Put chicken, carrots, corn, cilantro, bell pepper and celery into the pot to cook. 

  5. Once the carrots are a little soft, throw in potatoes and chayote.  

  6. When the potatoes are cooked, your soup is done. 

  7. Top with fresh cilantro and lemon.


Delicious Matcha Smoothie